Elite Health Plan, Inc. is a start-up Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug Plan working to secure its contract with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to offer Medicare Advantage products. We are excited to bring our Elite Health Plan brand of service and experienced team members who understand the complexities of the Medicare Advantage program to local communities through our quality networks of healthcare providers and facilities.
Local HMO plan in partnership with local hospitals as an integrated and vertically aligned value-based healthcare system.
Plan is a MAPD delegated model who contracts with large Independent Physicians Organizations (IPA), Management Services Organizations (MSO), and healthcare hospitals and facilities participating in Medicare.
Provide comprehensive, affordable, sustainable, and accessible Medicare Advantage Plan, covering hospital care (Part A), medical services (Part B), and prescription drugs (Part D).
Physician-involved, for-profit health plan for all.
Extended to health-related services such as wellness programs, routine vision, dental care, and hearing services.
Projected membership growth year-to-year.
Elite Health Plan strategy will be to expand to different states and various counties across the nation.
We pride ourselves on providing personalized Elite service to members and provider partners, ensuring that each receives the attention and expertise they deserve.